Sherika Thorpe

National Institutes of Health

2 active projects

Major Depression Sertraline

What are the social/behavioral aspects affecting women with major depressive disorder? What are the drugs/ therapeutic approaches taken for treatment of major depressive disorder in women? What are the short term and long term affects of treatment and non-treatment for…

Scientific Questions Being Studied

What are the social/behavioral aspects affecting women with major depressive disorder?

What are the drugs/ therapeutic approaches taken for treatment of major depressive disorder in women?

What are the short term and long term affects of treatment and non-treatment for women with major depressive disorder?

Project Purpose(s)

  • Disease Focused Research (major depressive disorder)
  • Population Health
  • Social / Behavioral
  • Drug Development
  • Methods Development
  • Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI)

Scientific Approaches

Methods are to scan datasets for answers to the three questions above by analyzing social/behavioral patterns of the women affected, drug treatment choices provided, treatment and non-treatment affects as well as any short term and long term affects women have as a result of taking drugs or opting to go a more naturalistic route with treatment, as well as those who choose not to be treated at all.

Anticipated Findings

Anticipated findings are better therapeutic management of treatment with natural or prescription drugs as well as any social/behavioral patterns that aid in diagnosis or treatment of this condition for women.

Demographic Categories of Interest

  • Race / Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Sex at Birth
  • Disability Status
  • Access to Care
  • Education Level
  • Income Level

Data Set Used

Registered Tier

Research Team


Cancer Tutorial

How are breast cancer subtypes influenced by viruses in underrepresented communities? Why are the mortality rates of African Americans with aggressive breast cancer subtypes higher than their counterparts? What lifestyle behaviors contribute to aggressive breast cancers in African Americans? What…

Scientific Questions Being Studied

How are breast cancer subtypes influenced by viruses in underrepresented communities?
Why are the mortality rates of African Americans with aggressive breast cancer subtypes higher than their counterparts?
What lifestyle behaviors contribute to aggressive breast cancers in African Americans?
What differentially expressed gene networks assist in the pathology and progression of breast cancer subtypes for African Americans?
Overtime how are African Americans disproportionately affected by access to healthcare, costs for aggressive treatment, and quality of life care?

Project Purpose(s)

  • Disease Focused Research (breast cancer)
  • Population Health
  • Social / Behavioral
  • Drug Development
  • Methods Development
  • Control Set
  • Ancestry
  • Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI)

Scientific Approaches

Controlled study comparisons, GWAS study comparisons, demographic comparisons over the last 10 years for each breast cancer subtype, and map out differentially expressed profiles for each breast cancer subtype that directly aids in disease progression or pathology.

Anticipated Findings

That there will be mostly epigenetic behaviors and specific gene networks working in tandem to aid in disease progression. These findings would explain or answer most of the questions posed and possibly create a few precision medicine approaches specifically for the more aggressive breast cancer subtypes without solely depending on more invasive aggressive treatment options. Also the findings could make for a better quality of life for persons with the subtype of breast cancer or possibly prevent it (whether it be genetically or by life style changes).

Demographic Categories of Interest

  • Race / Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Sex at Birth
  • Gender Identity
  • Geography
  • Access to Care
  • Education Level
  • Income Level

Data Set Used

Registered Tier

Research Team


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